Two Monsters
Status: vorhandenAntolin: ja, Empfehlung Klasse 4

von David McKee

Verlag: Andersen Digital, 2013, 6.95 €

Bücherei-Barcode: 9781842708316

In der Bücherei erfasst am: 02.11.2018

Stichwörter: Dispute, friends, monsters,Streit, Freunde, Monster

Lesealter ca. 8 Jahre

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Two monsters live on either side of a mountain. Sometimes they talk through the hole in the mountain, but they never see each other. One evening, they get into a silly argument about whether day is departing or night is arriving, which escalates into a rock throwing fight, which eventually destroys the mountain, and enables the monsters to see each other's point of view and live together as friends.