Stick Man. Book & CD
Status: vorhandenAntolin: ja, Empfehlung Klasse 5

von Julia Donaldson

Verlag: Scholastic Ltd., 2010, 8.99 €

Bücherei-Barcode: 9781407117294

In der Bücherei erfasst am: 01.11.2018

Stichwörter: tree, winter, dog, story with music,Bäume, Winter, Hund, Geschichte mit Musik

Lesealter ca. 9 Jahre

Das Buch wurde 2 mal gelesen.


"Stick Man lives in the family tree With his Stick Lady Love and their stick children three." But it's dangerous being a Stick Man. A dog wants to play with him, a swan builds her nest with him. He even ends up on a fire! Join Stick Man on his troublesome journey back to the family tree. Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's magical story is accompanied by a fun-filled audio CD: includes full story with music, the Stick Man Song (plus instrumental version) and a readalong version of the story with musical page turns.